Overcome Fear in Water - Become Safe, Confident, and in Control
Yes, you can learn to swim with a book.
What You'll Learn
This book guides you through every non-threatening step to:
* Overcome fear in water from the inside out
* Focus on the key to overcoming fear
* Learn to trust yourself in water
* Learn to be in control in water
* Put your face in, happily
* Float calmly and comfortably, front and back and stand up
* Understand how water works and come to know it
* Move through shallow water with ease
* Change direction, roll over
* Feel deep water hold you up
* Remain in control in deep water
* Stay comfortable at all times
* Why you'll learn sooner if you don't push yourself
* Progress through a proven, step-by-step system that works every time .
Despite commonly held beliefs, strokes and treading are unrelated to overcoming fear. They don't make you comfortable in deep water- therefore they are not included. They are easily learned and sustainable once you're no longer afraid.
Learn all the ideas, practices, and skills of the the author's flagship courses, the gold standard in adult swimming lessons with 6,000 graduates to date.
The inner process of healing fear starts on land. As your understanding grows, water skills are introduced.
Why the System Works
When afraid adults are given what they need, their complete success is inevitable and unstoppable. Learn a new system of teaching and learning. Proven over 40 years by countless classes, this system works every time.
* No pressure.
* No skipped steps.
* No fear.
One day, all lessons-swimming and otherwise-will be taught this way.
Start your transformation to comfort in any depth of water today.
"The book is amazing. I am so grateful I found it because it speaks to the heart of me. I am taking swim lessons at the local rec center and while they are terrific for what they are, they are exactly as you describe. Without your book and video, I would not have the courage and confidence to speak up and tell the instructors what I need. To their credit, they listen! They help me and I think I am helping them by being the student I've become thanks to your enlightening me."—Gratefully, PW
Miracle Swimming School for Adults founder Dash's work recently appeared on Suncoast View (ABC 7 TV Sarasota), International Business Times, Sarasota Magazine, Authority Magazine, Association of Aquatic Professionals Newsletter, and The Observer (Sarasota FL). Miracle Swimming has been endorsed by Diana Nyad, the swimmer of the 111 miles from Cuba to Key West whose story is told in the Netflix movie, NYAD (with Jodie Foster, Annette Bening).